1. Mamie

    You got your interest in food from me, Cassie! I just laughed out loud when I read “That’s commitment!”, I know exactly what you mean! I’m way over-committed, ;)! My little Angel and I started with reading a book in which were a lot of butterflies, and we studied them, counting, repeatedly!, how many eyes and wings, and he became very curious when I announced we would make Butterflies as a surprise for Mommy and Daddy! His cute little face lit up with the word Surprise, because Mommy is always teaching him the Art of giving, with little “surprises” he delivers with such excitement! So with prepped food (I mixed a little dip into cream cheese for taste, but wanted the firmness to secure the wings; and with only assembly required, I was able to keep his interest… and save a few raisins for the eyes 😉

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